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Nicole Attias

Is Social Media Anger On The Rise?

Tips for handling trolls

If someone is happy in their business or life, would that person take the time out in their busy schedule to bash someone else and send nasty messages on their social media pages or website? Or would that same person be far too focused on striving towards their own goals?

Haters are a major issue, and their impact can be devastating. The goal behind online hate is to hide while attacking the credibility of others — one can view it as narcissistic behavior or jealousy or childishness.

Regardless of the terminology, knowing what to do is important for maintaining grace in such situations.

Hearing harsh or critical feedback can leave you feeling deflated or attacked, mostly when your business is growing, and you are starting to get recognized.

Well, that is the exact aim of the troller — to throw you off track.

Remember this and take their exaggerated comments as fuel for future improvement. Now you can address new areas in your upcoming article, podcast or TV appearance. Turn a negative situation into a positive, and keep it moving.

Take some time away to reflect

If your business depends on it, obtain a social media manager to handle your online marketing. Take time away from a negative situation. Feed your mind with positive things and recall why you are doing what you do in the first place.

What message do you want to send to followers, prospects, and clients who clearly value what you have to offer? What inspires your group of followers to stick by you in the first place? Remember your passion.

If warranted, say thank you

In some cases, it makes sense to say nothing and not feed into the negativity.

In other cases, a simple acknowledgement such as “Thank you for your comments” will calm things down. Responding with anger is what the troller wants. Do not get combative. Instead, stay cool and level-headed.

Every growing online business will likely hear unpleasant comments on social media.

Take it as a cue that you are starting to get recognized. Feel good about your accomplishments and always keep it moving.

Expect that as you accomplish more and gain followers, so too will a percentage of haters leave their trail. Understand this early in the game, use the information you learn and know what parts to leave behind. But whatever you do, do not quit.

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